Wella Partners Portal


We are committed to working in the most efficient way with our suppliers to ensure payments are made as quickly as possible. Here you will find key information related to invoicing and completing business with Wella in the Americas, EMEA and APAC.


Invoice Information letters

VAT ID determination rules if your business is with our Swiss Legal Entity (3400 Wella International Operations Switzerland Sàrl)

Please consider the following details regarding VAT number determination.

In case of goods delivered to a location included in the VAT ID list for our Swiss Legal Entity (3400 Wella International Operations Switzerland Sàrl) in the above EMEA Letter / Mailbox Section, please select the VAT ID of the country of destination.

Example: if your business with Wella will fall under the Swiss Legal entity (3400 Wella International Operations Switzerland Sarl) and if you are delivering goods to a Distribution Center in Germany, you should select the VAT ID for Germany, meaning DE335700288. 

In case the goods delivery location is not included in the VAT ID list for our Swiss Legal Entity (3400 Wella International Operations Switzerland Sàrl) OR in case you are providing a service under the Swiss Legal Entity (3400 Wella International Operations Switzerland Sàrl), the correct VAT ID to select is CHE-456.686.747.

If you are sending your invoice to a freight invoice audit company today, continue sending them to the same freight invoice audit company.

If you are working with Control Pay:

  • As of January 31, 2022, please use the following email address to send your invoices and your pre-invoice files: wella.invoices.processing@controlpay.com. If you are used to upload your invoices through the Control Pay tool, please continue working the same way.
  • Make sure to address your invoice to the correct Legal Entity (Bill to) as previously indicated.